Long overdue features request

Greetings. I’m sure there already were multiple requests on that matter, but I think it deserves more attention.

Six things I’d add to Epic Launcher, like, RIGHT NOW:

  1. Ability to limit download speed. It’s LONG OVERDUE.
  2. Ability to point the launcher to the location of any managed game if it’s already installed on behalf of another account but can be accessed by currently logged-in one, including the ability to (auto-)update it.
  3. Ability to background-download stuff on release with separate download speed limit setting.
  4. Ability to set the update cache location (NOT THE VAULT ONE, MIND YOU). It’s stupid to get a “nope, I need more space” message on game updates while having nominally enough of it.
  5. Ability to RELOCATE any managed game to another folder/drive. Again, having to re-download the whole game because of #4 is INSANE, bonus points with a patch pending.
  6. Ability to choose the actual game locale without having to going to ingame Settings (bonus points for the game’s uninterruptible tutorial sequence - I’m looking at YOU, Fortnite!).

The feature list is compiled based on comparison to Blizzard launcher and Steam client. While Epic Launcher may indeed be an integral part of Unreal Engine (not sure though), I refuse to believe that it’s THAT hard to implement those features. It’s been a couple of YEARS already, and this launcher STILL not getting features as simple as basic download speed limiter is just… you know.

~ ShadowDweller

Oh god, number 4 annoys me so much. I have the engine installed on my SSD, which has only 128GB, and every major version increase forces me to troubleshoot disk space usage for half an hour until the launcher finally decides that I have enough space.
This means that my SSD space is effectively cut down by about 20GB, because actually utilizing those 20GB in a meaningful way would prevent me from freeing space and updating Unreal Engine.

Updated the main post. The launcher gives me creeps in its current state. It’s even worse to realize that the devs apparently don’t care about convenience.

BSP being updated to GEO 2.0 would be really nice, since the people behind probuilder for UE4 are being lazy and not doing anything

It’s been two major launcher builds (MAJOR BUILDS, CARL!), and nothing significant has been changed under the hood. Visuals only. I’m guessing that Epic took Google’s route to bump major version “when in doubt”-style, even on the slightest locale fix or font change. As for visuals, 5.0 is freaking UGLY.
I’ve officially lost my ability to even. As for the direction where the launcher team is going, [HOPES DELETED].

Ability for it to not consume an entire cpu core. C’mon it’s been over 2 years that this problem has been complained about and they had some fixes focused on CPU/RAM/Stability early in 2016… which did NOTHING.

Pretty much anytime it’s running…

For me it uses 0% minimized.

I don’t had any issues with the launcher specifically. Using about 54MB of memory here. The design is good in my opinion, and visually easy to navigate. Only thing I would change is the presentation of the featured games, for instance offering a broader scope, including Unreal projects which meet standard publishing guidelines. Something like that would be also nice on the website. For more inspiration see the Made with Unity link, the third super link on their website https://madewith.unity.com

So… We have another MAJOR launcher release, but surprise, NOTHING new, much less anything from the list above.
GJ, Epic. Way to go. Keep this up, and you’ll catch up to Google Chrome version someday. #Kappa

This one is particularly important, doubly so as it incorrectly calculates the amount of space required. Sometimes it asks me for as much as 120GB of space to update the Ark SDK and that’s absurd.

Added another bullet to the list. Although I seriously doubt that people in charge actually care about it. Just look how they screwed up Paragon page. It’s UGLY.

So the launcher is 6.5.2 now. Progress on the checklist above: ZERO.
But hey, we got two fancy Log On Via Social Networks buttons! What a breakthrough! #Kappa
Epic. **What. The. Hell. **I mean, I know that something called “destructive patching” was introduced along the lines (that basically alleviates some #4-related pain if I understood that right), but what about the rest? Anything?

It’s 7.4.0 already. Still nothing.
Oh well.

not a single of these features is “long overdue” though.

This launcher is several years old, and what I listed in the OP isn’t even hinted to be on the way. FOR YEARS. You want to say you’re content with the launcher hogging up all the bandwidth without any way of limiting it in that whatsoever? You mean it’s fine for a player to be unable to relocate their game to another folder without being forced to reinstall it from scratch? Is that “not overdue” for you? Maybe it’s fine to wait another couple of years then? Or maybe decades? I’m calling BS on this one. Sorry, not sorry.

Version 7.11 is out, still nothing.

No One Cares LOL

Toilet would be the other way, thank you.