LogValkyrieValidation: Error: [16] Found disallowed object type /Game/Balance/Physics/Materials/PhysData_Foliage.PhysData_Foliage LogValkyrieValidation: Error: [16] Found disallowed object type

Found disallowed object type /Script/Engine.LevelScriptBlueprint


Just got the same message: Found disallowed object type /Game/Balance/Physics/Materials/PhysData_Foliage.PhysData_Foliage. Did you find a fix?

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No Bro, i dont know what is the problema, but i sabe the island on Google Drive and delete of my pc. After i download the island and It works

Same here, any fix?

Save the island on Google Drive, delete the island of your pc and after download the island, the problem delete in my cause

how do i save island to drive? and delete the island?

I only delete the island and after reopen because the island has autosave in Drive

I don’t know how to fix this , but i get a message :
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: [16] Found disallowed object type/Game/Environments/Sets/Lab/Meshes/SM_Lab_Light1.SM_Lab_Light1