LogUObjectHash: Ambiguous search

Every time we run a Mapcheck for the first time once unreal is loaded on one of our Maps we do get the following warning:

LogUObjectHash: Ambiguous search, could be RigVMMemoryStorageGeneratorClass /Engine/Transient.DiscardedMemoryClassTemplate_7 or DiscardedMemoryClassTemplate_5 /Engine/Transient.DiscardedMemoryClassTemplate_7

Any hints how we can avoid those?

Did you find out what this was about?

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I had this issue in my project. In my case the issue was due to the following:

  • Enabling the UE Water plugin
  • Initializing the GameplayAbilitySystem by calling UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().InitGlobalData() in a custom AssetManager class

Calling InitGlobalData in the AssetManager::StartInitialLoading method caused multiple packages to queue for async loading. The water plugin forces a LoadSynchronous call on the material parameter collection which flushes the async loads and the RigVMs begin to compile.

Bottom line is that the Control Rigs get loaded too early in the editor loading lifecycle.

The good news is that this appears to be a benign warning (specifically for the RigVMMemoryStorageGeneratorClass) and it can be ignored if you can’t track down the root cause.

Thank you, Michael. That’s very helpful to know.