LogUObjectGlobals and LogSkeletalMesh spams logs

I there,
since version 4.19.2 we have a lot of log spam on starting our game. here are some of the messages:

LogUObjectGlobals: Created PersistentFrame Addr=0x00000202ce1374f0, Size=16, Function

It prints 2500 lines like that.

Additionally it prints a line like

LogSkeletalMesh: Skeletal Mesh found in DDC [6.963093ms] /Game/Characters/Equipment/Weapons/crossbow_auto/SK_crossbow.SK_crossbow

for every skeletal mesh in the content folder.

I would like to disable those prints since they don’t yield any relevant information for me. has anyone an idea on how to turn that off?

thy in advance.

I also suffer this problem. These logs are printed out always when I am opening the level.

Try tweaking your runtime log levels for the specific categories. For example add this to your DefaultEngine.ini to suppress the LogUObjectGlobals spam. But be aware that you might miss other Log level messages from those categories.


That said, I hope Epic moves these log calls to Verbose or VeryVerbose in the future. They’re super annoying and not useful to most people.

More info about logging for reference: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums,Printing_Messages_To_Yourself_During_Runtime#Log_conventions.28in_the_console.2C_ini_files.2C_or_environment_variables.29