LogTemp: Warning: Batch retarget aborted. No animation assets were specified.

Following this video at the point when he retargets the animation I get the following error:
LogTemp: Warning: Batch retarget aborted. No animation assets were specified.
Whereas in the video it creates a retargeted animation in the specified folder. Has something changed about the assets in the past ten months?

Have you found a solution for this? I am running into the same issue and it seems as if it is extremely rare and has not had a solution presented yet

Welcome to the community kbbass92, I have not found a way around this, please post if you figure it out. I will take a second look at it as well, and will post if I come up with anything.

I know this is an old post, but if you are still looking for a solution. To be able to duplicate and retarget the animation bp to need to have some animations in the animBP.

So just grab an animation for that mesh and attach it to the Output pose and you should be able to duplicate it fine.

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