Login problems with PPI and CLI

Hello guys!

I just want to be able to run Reality Capture through command line (CLI) and solve any Activation or PPI (PIN/Password) license issue with no human intervention.

The solution proposed in this post should solve my problem, but I can’t get it to work. It’s giving me: “Acquiring Input Liceses: Access denied”. Also tried creating a pin_cert.txt file, same problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated,


to let you know, access denied is a known issue in PPI and unfortunately it is mostly a user error, let’s hope it’s not this time.

Below we will list the possible steps which could cause this issue. If any of these is something you have done, then make sure to prevent doing such things when using PPI. Also, if you are using the older version of RC (.9696) I highly recommend you to update to the latest version.

· Deleting/Disabling images (after each process (alignment, reconstruction, texturing). This has been fixed in the new release


· For all of the following causes below you will be warned not to do so before payment in the new release.


· Editing the images and replacing them with the same name for the already licensed ones. 

· Changing the destination of images while processing.

· Downscaling the licensed images.

· Switching images for aligning, meshing, texturing instead of putting them all in the list of Images or using Image layers.


Ideally try creating a new project where you’re only importing the images aligning, meshing, texturing and exporting and make sure you’re not manipulating with the images anyhow. This could really help us resolve your issue and find out what was causing all of this.

(Once you have paid for licensing your images, you don’t need to pay for those images anymore they will already be licensed.)

Thanks a lot for the fast answer Erik,


So the PPI license system somehow stores info on your servers about the images being processed and attaches a license on them. This way we can process the same set of images on different machines, right?


I’m using latest RC version and simply running the following batch script (as suggested by yourself here):

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\
RealityCapture.exe ^
-addFolder “C:\xxx\footage” ^
-align ^
-setReconstructionRegionAuto ^
-calculatePreviewModel ^
-exportModel “Model 1” “C:\xxx\model.fbx” “C:\xxx\fbxparams.xml”


About your questions:

- Deleting/Disabling images (after each process (alignment, reconstruction, texturing). This has been fixed in the new release

Shouldn’t be the case.

- Editing the images and replacing them with the same name for the already licensed ones.

I’m testing with different set of images with different names.

- Changing the destination of images while processing.

As I’m running a batch script, shouldn’t be the case too, right?

- Downscaling the licensed images.

Input images have not been modified.

- Switching images for aligning, meshing, texturing instead of putting them all in the list of Images or using Image layers.

Not the case either.


We want to create a Reality Capture server node, which watches for projects on a folder(s), and process whatever is there, but through the PPI license system.


EDIT: I’m testing by opening RC manually, adding a single image and tying to license by dragging and dropping a “license.rccmd” file with the command: "-getLicense “PIN/PASSWORD”. Still getting “Access Denied” error. PS: If I license manually by going to Workflow -> Export / Input Licenses it works.

Have you already paid for the inputs you’re trying to process via the CLI script or you’re trying to pay using the script? We do store the information about your inputs on the server but as well a license file locally on your side. Another important thing to remind you is that while trying to get the server sided information you have to be logged in under the same account as when paid. Yes the licensed inputs should be able to be used on any other machine both online while logged in and using the license file, although beware, a PPI project is always locked to the machine where it was created and cannot be used on another one, only the inputs themselves.

-Have you already paid for the inputs you’re trying to process via the CLI script or you’re trying to pay using the script?

Do you mean if we have credits for the inputs? Yes.


-Another important thing to remind you is that while trying to get the server sided information you have to be logged in under the same account as when paid.

The login you say is the one when starting Reality Capture for the first time, right? Yes, I’m logged on the same account.


If I understand correctly what you say, those steps should work:

1 - Install latest Reality Capture version

2 - Run RC, and login with our company’s account.

3 - Add a single non licensed image as input (to check if it’s licensed, there will show up a small “L” at the right side in the 1D menu).

4.a - I can either license this image manually by going to Workflow -> Export -> Input License and insert the PIN or my account’s password (if the image is already licensed, a green check will appear).

4.b - Or license by dragging and dropping a command.rccmd file with the following command:
-getLicense “PIN/PASSWORD”.

4.b.1 - I get “Access Denied”.


Any tips?

The following 1,2,3,4,ab steps are correct.

I meant if the inputs you are trying this with aren’t already licensed/paid.

The login I mean is the one you have been paying your credits with, please do make a clean sign in on our webpage and go to https://www.capturingreality.com/my.transactions# to see whether there is any credits balance. If there is the balance you expect then log off the application and login again under the same account to make sure you’re not using a different account now.
Also please provide me with the text written in your script to make sure it is done correctly.

Hi Erik,

What you mean by a “clean” sign in? Anyway I have only one account to sign in, so I can’t really make a mistake on that. Just in case I did what you say, and no luck. We have 2646.00 PPI credits, so that’s not the problem to license a few images.

This is the exact command in the file command.rccmd (the PIN below expired today):

-getLicense “Teste_auto”

Also tried with our account password, but that I can’t post here of course.

Okay, first off try to create a new PIN consisting only of numbers and then create again a getlicense.rccmd (name can be any desired) 

Create a new project and insert only one picture which, you are sure is not licensed already (a printscreen of your desktop for example, just to make sure.)

then inside of the getlicense.rccmd the text will be


-getLicense 8732 (for example) 

and drag n drop the file into the RC application window

I have just tried to make sure everything works good on our side and yes it does, this exact way.

Also, make sure you are using a PPI license in the application ( RC PPI text will be shown in the top right corner)

and as well make sure you got the latest version of RC running - .10393


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Hi there Erik,


Okay, first off try to create a new PIN consisting only of numbers and then create again a getlicense.rccmd (name can be any desired) 

A PIN of only numbers seems to work!!! I wonder why, though?


Create a new project and insert only one picture which, you are sure is not licensed already (a printscreen of your desktop for example, just to make sure.)

I was testing like that already. 


Anyway, I need to have some RC machines listening for jobs and processing as needed. In theory, I could create a PIN that never expires and use that for all machines, right? That PIN is only accessible if RC in logged in our account (or a specific account for that, whaterver)?

Maybe to increase safety, is there an API so that we can generate a dynamic PINs through code?



Hey, good news and I don’t know maybe there were some bad characters there or anything else. Anyways I am glad you got it working for you now. Regarding the dynamic PINs no that is currently not possible but you can change them manually at least.

Well, I used simple PINs like “Test”, so I don’t think it’s a character problem. But I don’t want to bother about licensing anymore.


I just need you to confirm this would work:

In theory, I could create a PIN that never expires and use that for all machines, right? That PIN is only accessible if RC is logged in our account (or a specific account for that, whaterver)?


Yes indeed you can use it on multiple machines logged in under the same account as where the balance and PIN is. Regarding the PIN you can set the expiration date and for your safety also the daily, weekly, monthly and total credit limits. Just navigate to https://www.capturingreality.com/my.pin and it is all right there in the Create PIN section.