Thanks a lot for the fast answer Erik,
So the PPI license system somehow stores info on your servers about the images being processed and attaches a license on them. This way we can process the same set of images on different machines, right?
I’m using latest RC version and simply running the following batch script (as suggested by yourself here):
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\
RealityCapture.exe ^
-addFolder “C:\xxx\footage” ^
-align ^
-setReconstructionRegionAuto ^
-calculatePreviewModel ^
-exportModel “Model 1” “C:\xxx\model.fbx” “C:\xxx\fbxparams.xml”
About your questions:
- Deleting/Disabling images (after each process (alignment, reconstruction, texturing). This has been fixed in the new release
Shouldn’t be the case.
- Editing the images and replacing them with the same name for the already licensed ones.
I’m testing with different set of images with different names.
- Changing the destination of images while processing.
As I’m running a batch script, shouldn’t be the case too, right?
- Downscaling the licensed images.
Input images have not been modified.
- Switching images for aligning, meshing, texturing instead of putting them all in the list of Images or using Image layers.
Not the case either.
We want to create a Reality Capture server node, which watches for projects on a folder(s), and process whatever is there, but through the PPI license system.
EDIT: I’m testing by opening RC manually, adding a single image and tying to license by dragging and dropping a “license.rccmd” file with the command: "-getLicense “PIN/PASSWORD”. Still getting “Access Denied” error. PS: If I license manually by going to Workflow -> Export / Input Licenses it works.