i use Blueprint login game center,then load other level,when Event Login suc, i print PlayerState->UniqueID , it is ID:INVALID,but if i only login game center,do not load other leve,Event Login suc print PlayerState->UniqueID,result is right,When use Blueprint login game center cannot load other LEVEL? Or should I use other ways to get the unique id?
Could you please upload a screenshot of your blueprint that you’re talking about so that I can follow what you’re explaining in your original post?
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
On Sucess Event execute, print uniqueid ID:INVALID , void UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::TestPrint(class APlayerController* Controller) { UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(Controller, Controller->PlayerState->UniqueId.ToString()); }
do not call OpenLevel(“Level2”), On Sucess Event execute,print uniqueid is correct!
So I’ve tested out the screenshot blueprints that you provided. When I launch the game, the level switches to the one associated in the blueprint I created. I have not ran into any errors or issues. The blueprints you provided do not have the unique ID set up or logging into game center. If you’re having trouble with those specific blueprints, you need to provide me with that specific information.
Looking forward to hearing back, thanks!
this is my log print:PlayerState->UniqueID is ID:INVALID
[2015.12.17-03.53.45:814][127]LogOnline: The G:860972275 has logged into Game Center
[2015.12.17-03.53.45:835][127]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [PlayerController_1] ID:INVALID
complete log[link text][1]
70967-myproject.log (28 KB)
You are having an issue with the login game center unique ID. Did you set this up in a blueprint at all? If so, I need to see that blueprint because the blueprint screenshots that you provided me are not related to what you’re claiming the issue is.
Would it be possible to get a link to your project so I can look at it with more detail?
this is my test project,Thank you for your patience to wait !
I cannot open your project. What version of the engine did you create this project on? Did you gather your version of the engine from Source or Binary? Are you able to open your .umap from the zip provided?
version is 4.10,
I cannot open your project. I cannot build it, it simply does not work for me. Could you please create a new project that has similar features in it that are displaying the bug that you’re reporting?
[2015.12.21-20.15.00:826][ 0]---------------------- Done ----------------------
[2015.12.21-20.15.00:827][ 0]
[2015.12.21-20.15.00:827][ 0] Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
[2015.12.21-20.15.00:828][ 0]ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\Downloads\71133-myproject (1)\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-MyProject.dll
Thank you!
I have tried on MAC and WINDOWS can be open,success build,Using the above package myproject.zip,my mac install xcode6, windows install vs2015.
I am looking into this, please keep in mind that it is a holiday season so our responses are delayed.
I finally was able to compile your project and open it on my computer. I was running into a Visual Studio 2015 issue.
I want to make sure what I am seeing is what you’re requesting to work properly. You are stating that loading up level 1 and then having eventbeginplay to change to level 2 is not working as it should. Is this correct?
yes,only load level1 print uniqueid correct, load level1 then load level2 print uniqueid invalid.
Thank you for reporting this issue to us. After extensive testing, I have submitted a report to our developers. If you’d like to check on this bug at anytime in the future, please refer to UE-24808.
When you use Launch On, only the current level (and the startup level, and other levels you add to the always cook list) is cooked. Are you using Launch On, or File/Package? If Launch On, try doing the package option, which will cook all of your maps.