Hello everyone, I bought a blueprint system on the ue4 marketplace called “Advanced Social System” currently, Advanced Social System doesn’t have a login/signup/account system so what it does is it has its own usernames for people who join which two of them are ninja and vanguard I believe and displays them above the player during gameplay. What I want to do is intergrate my existing login system with advanced social system, What I have is a mysql database and a web user interface with a register page using PHP to communicate with the database and to get into the game the user must register an account. but I cannot figure out how to display the MYSQL USERNAME ABOVE THE PLAYER instead of the default advanced social system one. The login username variable is stored in a game instance and it uses a ue4 plugin called Va Rest to communicate via Api’s and mysql.
What i’ve tried already is making a widget and adding text and making a binding to make that text get the username but I don’t know what the target would be:
I am fairly new to blueprints but have a decent understanding of them. Any help would be great. Thank you.