Logical Editor


it would be nice to have some kind of a logical editor, e.g. an editor-dialog with which you can collect and change properties of UObjects which follow certain rules.

For example:

  • select all actors which have a component-type [MYCOMPONENTCLASS]
  • select all actors from type [MYACTORCLASS] with the property [ACTORPROPERTYNAME] having the value [MYVALUE]

With this filtering possibilities you could find actors with illegal data very fast.

Additionally it would be nice to have the option to not only change the values, but also the type of arbitrary properties which follow certain rules.

For example:

  • select all actors which have a component from type [MYCOMPONENTCLASS] and change the type to [NEWMYCOMPONENTCLASS].

With a logical editor you can also avoid implementing special game-tools often, so I guess it would be middleware-compatible?

However, I am not sure if something like the above mechanism already exists^^.

Thanks for reading

You should be able to do this with some blueprint bluetilities I thinnnnk.