Logic behind assets location decisions in Lyra Starter Game

I’ve been looking/asking around and apologies if this is already talked about, but I can’t wrap my head around the logic behind the structure of content folders in Lyra. At least some parts of it. I get the modular approach where you create GF plugin to extend your game with new DLCs, new experiences or different modes of the game. But I don’t understand placement of some of the files in the already provided GF plugins.

There is for example half of the pistol assets in the game content and half of the assets in the Shooter Core Content. And you have to have all of them to use it in game. So what I am confused about is why some of the files are isolated in GF as if they are optional. I would understand all of the files were in either location, it would be either “pistol is a very standard asset in the game, so it’s in the game content” or “pistol is optional so we put it in Shooter Core Content”.

And grenade is even more fragmented around. It’s in three different places:

  • /Shooter Core Content/Weapon/Grenade ,
  • /Shooter Core Content/Weapons/Grenade and
  • /Content/Weapons/Grenade

Probably won’t matter much for the game itself and end users (gamers) as they wouldn’t even know much about where is what file in the source of the game placed. But there might be some logic I am not seeing as to why they split them and I am trying to understand it so I can learn from it. Maybe it little bit optimises workflow or is better or more “proper” way of doing it?

I am also interested in this. My guess would be that it was put together quickly and not every little detail got considered and refactored.

If you look at some of the other example content, a lot of it looks slapped together in a rush (like any of the blueprint in Content Examples).

I think for something that won’t be long term supported it’s probably just not considered worth the effort to go that deeply into organization.

Just my speculations though

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Yeah this is exactly what I was thinking, seems too random. Still very thankful for Epic releasing it. quite a lot of good content and lot of new concepts to learn from the project so overall very happy with it.