I am currently trying to implement EOS to my game but having issues with the game gathering the product from the dev site. I currently get this warning every 20 seconds or so. Ive gone through the portal many times now and cannot find what Im missing! Any help would be amazing!
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[SDKConfig], OperationName=[GetProductConfigRoute], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[403], ErrorCode=[errors.com.epicgames.common.invalid_product], NumericErrorCode=[UNSET], ErrorMessage=[E:fghi4567WVmSm0yD36WOPZsn2gkXHrra,A:Some(ce29c2ecda084567abdee769c6c28010)], CorrId=[EOS-_tWsdl_axkyGcXonLQEQsA-JNpIzXMiF0qQ7luCTb7mLA-MsRmF46Fw0aRMb0qzSWRvw]
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Failed, Result Code: EOS_Invalid_Product, Retrying after 47.562183 seconds