Locomotion from Gorka Tutorial not working and making character disappear when walking/running

Hey Guys!, Im folloing a tutotial on youtube by Gorka Games and im having trouble with character movment. he keeps disappearing when walkihn/running. i know the rest of the animations are work such as the leaning but i cant see it since ihe keeps vanishing as soon as i start walking. i think theres i problem with my bluepriny or RPG_animationBP set up. can anyone help?

Hey @Lukero20! Welcome to the forums!

It’s a bit hard to tell what could be going wrong with the context provided, but we can definitely help try and figure out what is going wrong here. Would you mind sharing the tutorial you followed, screenshots of your blueprints, as well as possibly a video of what you are experiencing?

Any additional specifics or information you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

Hey @Lukero20!

Checking in! Did you still need help with your character?