i made this locomotion BlendSpace and used in ABP_Many AnimBlueprint, but it does not work for that AI actor, it only work for me.
i can not upload video but i put YT link, please help me.
the video
Hey @WilliamAlex0! Welcome to the forums!
You may need to go into your AI Controller (NOT BP_Enemy) and enable/disable “Set Rotation from Pawn Orientation.” Go try that and see what happens.
Also you may need to disable the “Use controller desired rotation” alongside this.
What combination of these settings to use will depend on how it’s coded by you!
thank you so much, maybe that was one of the mistakes that i made, but the main one was, i set max walk speed at 150, but in the blendspace for 8 direction movement, there was no such a thing for that speed. again thank you soooooooooooo much
and i don’t know how to mark your comment as the answer, sorry, maybe because i’m new, i cannot use that feature.
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