Ability to lock and or prevent folders from auto opening in World Outliner. Huge time waster having to repeatedly close folders which auto open. Please see https://forums.unrealengine.com/deve…world-outliner
a plus 1 is in order.
Hi folks,
It is worth noting that folder open/close state gets saved with the map. So providing folders were closed and the map saved, those folders should remain closed upon launching that level again. If this isn’t the case, it would be awesome if you could submit a bug report.
he is talking about if you click on an object in the scene it will auto open it in the world outliner. what is very annoying
Still no solution for this… Upvote this.
I don’t understand. Someone coded in the functionality for the folders opening automatically whenever something happens with content inside of them, yet somehow it can’t be deactivated or reverted in any way. Besides, this seems like a well known issue that dates way back to 2015, if not even earlier. Next thing is someone finding out the option is hidden somewhere in the overly convoluted Editor Preferences as a grayed out tick box…
In 5.1, there is an Always Frame Selection option in the outliner. When this is unchecked, selecting something in the viewport won’t automatically expand the outliner to show that item.
But playing the level will open them up again… I can’t imagine working on a big game and having this constantly happening… For years now… What is going on with this? What am I missing? Folders are constantly reopening. If this is seriously just how it is this should be given priority to fix…
Bump, this is so annoying
Thank you for this!
Saves at least some headache when doing layout but as Veiss said as soon as I play the game all the folders are open again
this seams like an easy thing to add, I hope they do if they haven’t already, I’m still working on UE 5.1
The year is 2028,
GTA VI is out
Squadron 42 is out
Unruly Unreal folders is still a problem
Check out this plugin to at least have a shortcut to collapse all…
Bump. This qol needs to be added.
It has been only 3.5 years…
Agreed, I’m hoping for a fix too, this is very annoying
Fiiiiix Thiiiiis