Lock 3d Widget in place?

Hello i got a question i am currently working on added my 3D widget to my player character

but some how it wont stay in the correct rotation
When in play mode

anny idea what i can try?

Thank you in advance

Things i tyred:

-locking the UI constrains X/Y/Z axis
-Changing the User interface from world to screen
-Adding a socket and rotating this in the correct way

Constraints are for physics simulation. Seeing how the widget is attached to the mesh, did you attach it to the bone socket:

ill take a look at that
first i need to see how in the world the Devs setup the default bullet spawn and were to find the socket because ATM i changed the player model the projectile spawn is some how not working it spawns but no idea were and tryed a line trace to see were it spawns even that didnt show

so whent back to the default FPS arms till i found that no idea why the made the player so more complicated in 5.2 then all the other versions it was fine how it was now its

spread over the first person player / weapon compenent / weapon pickup

instead of just in the FPS player like befor

And otherwise ill take a look how to remove the need of the weapon component and weapon pickup from the player without breaking it and move fully to raycast instead of projectiles

Becaise this setup only caused me problem and slows me down a lot