Locating actor by same axis as player?

Basically I have an elevator system using level streaming. My player starts in the home base and when pressing a button, the elevator hums and the elevator is “moving”. After a 10 second delay, the player is teleported to the exact same elevator actor but on a different z-axis. The elevator stops humming and the ding sound indicating the cycle is complete plays, however the doors to the old elevator open, not the new one. I am trying to make a function that checks an array of every elevator and sees which one is on the same z-axis as the player. If it finds it, it sets the doors to that elevator actor to open instead. However this is not working for me.

If you want to check it the elevator is roughly the same height as the player, just look at the Z coord.

Another way, would be to just open the lift nearest the player. The lift can use ‘get actor location’ on the player and itself, and there is a ‘distance’ node in blueprint :slight_smile: