if I remember correctly, you can still mark your door mesh actors’ component to not be “visible in reflection captures” so they will simply not be part of the capture
Another thing I noticed with those translucent paper doors, when the capture overlap them they become dark. It looks like IBL will not check if it’s translucent or not right? For example, 2 doors in the middle are inside reflection capsule box:
Btw, I just realized I said something wrong. I said they are “translucent” but in fact they are opaque subsurface! Sorry.
Another thing, can you rebuild reflection captures at runtime?
the IBL won’t check anything, it will just blend the skylight vs the probe cubemap
I never really tried using subsurface materials but I can see how they behave when I make the 4.22 port, so I’ll probably understand better the problem you’re having
no this doesn’t do anything in that regard.
captures cannot be built at runtime because on cooked builds the engine expects the captures to come from a static texture that’s built into the level. there’s other threads that discuss this
alright the pull request was finally rejected: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/4856
I mean what :rolleyes:
Wow… that’s disappointing. This would have been an excellent addition.
edit: and I mean, come on, volume light mapping can’t even be streamed in and out like normal lightmaps so how does that work with dynamic sun?
Interesting. So no choice is better than having one.
What do they mean by that?
This: Volumetric Lightmaps in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation
But it only fixes the issue where you can bake lighting.
Sorry, maybe I don’t understand something, but if you can bake lighting you don’t need the IBL, no? I don’t understand what they mean by “static baked lighting AND dynamic sky/sun”.
I think you could technically bake lighting in interior areas and still use a dynamic sun, I haven’t tested blending the two. Like imagine you had a game like PUBG with lots of houses but a large open map. Obviously you couldn’t bake the lighting on the terrain, but you could bake lighting within the buildings.
I see. I wonder if there is some documentation on that, because i don’t really understand how to use baked light and the movable light together. I don’t really understand if movable skylight will use lightmaps correctly. Also, how it works with world composition (for large world). We tried something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz9oRyuJTfs , but it uses 2 skylights in the same level, probably will break something.
so it seems you can use a Stationary SkyLight and a Movable DirectionalLight together. After baking the lighting you’ll get the skylight baked into lightmaps + volumetric lightmaps, but you’ll be free to change the SkyLight color+intensity (since it’s stationary), as well as the DirectionalLight entirely (since it’s movable)
here’s a quick experiment with a cave entrance. the Skylight is fully visible outside with a natural transition towards the inside.
With The Skylight being Stationary I could change the color+intensity to simulate different times of day. And since the DirectionalLIght is fully dynamic it could be a rotating sun light.
this setup seems useful for mostly static scenes with changing lighting conditions, which is really the same setup that the Localized IBLs work best at
That does’t change the reflection environment though, does it? Meaning that even though the diffuse lighting might be correct the specular reflections would be wrong.
that is correct. but the same applies to Localized IBL with a rotating DirectionalLight - the rotating sun won’t modify the IBL
(unless you try the trick of capturing several probes per time-of-day with different lighting and blending them in/out as the time cycle goes, but you’ll quickly reach the 341 probe limit)
Very disappointing. So both Unity and Unreal have very poor real-time gi, and in both cases, the community is trying to make up for it while the official channels seem to be just relying on Nvidia to do the work for them?
I don’t get this on Epic’s part, because they want to be AAA and many AAA titles have real-time GI today.
just to be double clear: my Localized IBL system does not produce real-time GI in any way. it relies on pre-baked probes that cannot be recomputed at runtime.
Because everybody will have real time raytracing on gpu soon, including real time GI? (<- btw, that’s my noob guess)
Could you put those captures in dynamically loaded sublevels, like lighting scenarios?