Hi there,
I am trying to set up localization for a project I am working on at the moment. As a test I have setup English-US as the native culture and Swedish as another culture in the Localization Dashboard. When a then gather all text to get possible translations I get the English-US version filled in already since it is the native culture whereas Swedish is blank which is all fine. What then seems to be the case is that the Swedish translations are being setup relative to the English-US translation as opposed to the original text “tag” or however you want to call it. As an example. Say I have added the following two texts somewhere in a blueprint.
“UI_BUTTON_OK_1” and “UI_BUTTON_OK_2”. I decide that in English I want to translate these two tags to “OK” in both cases. But in Swedish I want to translate the first one to “Okej” and the second one to “Ja” (Swedish Yes). However since the translation to Swedish is being visualized relative to the English resulting text as opposed to the original text it become confusing. In the Swedish translation editor I simply see “Ok” twice in the source column. If I open up the Swedish archive I can see that both the English translations, “OK”, and the original tags “UI_BUTTON_OK_1” and “UI_BUTTON_OK_2” are present. But in the editor the transation is all done relative to the native text. This is a problem in cases like this because by translating “via” the native language I am losing the branching required by Swedish.
I am sure I am just misunderstanding some aspect of the localization but how can I get this to work? Would I have to use an agnostic and generic tag language as the native language in order to guarantee I can do things like this?
Thank you very much!