Localization Package

Localize Your Game with this package.

Use your own .csv file …

Can you be a little more specific? Since there already is localization support in UE4, what exactly is this?

This is simple and easy to use.

Where do we get it? and does it support right-to-left languages (Arabic)?

I submitted to Marketplace. I m waiting for UE Stuff. I will control for arabic language after update my UE4.

You could get it from me now with paypal…

Great will be waiting for it. I hope it works with Arabic.

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Are this true translations?

Now arabic alphebeth is not working but I will ask in answerhub.

I don’t actually understand the use of this as UE4 does it anyway… Especially if it doesn’t support right-to-left languages.

I import arabic to my data table and look it…

Unral Engine Staff Said Me :

Hi XAfgun,

Unfortunately, the Arabic language is not currently supported by Unreal Engine. We don’t have any Right-to-Left support nor do we support font shaping atm.

I don’t have an eta on when such features will become available.


Sorry for that. It doesn’t support right-to-left languages depend on Unreal Engine…

You seem to have missed my post:
What does this actually do that the engine doesn’t already do?

I answeren your question at previous post :

Is the one in the engine? :S

You could see this as a tutorial project.

Oh, I see… that’s bad but there must be a workaround. I think the main problem would be the UNICODE so if you could work away to make the engine to read the code then it should works. (We used to do such things in Maya which doesn’t support Arabic)

Anyways, Many thanks

The current solution is texture swapping, but it’s time-consuming and you have to make sure you don’t incorrectly translate or it doesn’t work :slight_smile:

So I have to start mmo-rpg kit :slight_smile: