I need your help.
I need to set my own readable namespaces and keys and use them in my blueprints.
My idea is to have a data table which contains a namespace and several keys.
With those namespaces and keys, I want to find the correct text for my text variable.
I translated my text with the localization dashboard.
It looks like this:
"FormatVersion": 2,
"Namespace": "",
"Subnamespaces": [
"Namespace": "[1C4423554685536FB6FB629328C21801]",
"Children": [
"Text": "Jeah, a Title!!"
"Text": "Jeah, a Title!!"
"Key": "48FA0828441C0FB8ED4B74B405030C20"
"Text": "Oh look, its a description"
"Text": "Oh look, its a description"
"Key": "4B2CADDE421432F89FA93AAE3A8ECEEC"
So lets have an example:
I have in my data table a namespace like Quest_01 and two keys like Quest_01_Title and Quest_01_Description.
Now I have a UMG where I need to find the Text for my Quest Description.
What I did was to change the namespace and the keys in the localization .manifest and .archive to this:
"Namespace": "Quest_01",
"Children": [
"Text": "Oh look, its a description"
"Text": "Oh look, its a description"
"Key": "Quest_01_Description"
Did the same with the description.
The problem is, that the text is not found and the condition is false.
It works when I add the default namespace and keys which where generated after gathering the text.
Why shouldnt it work when I set the namespaces and keys by myself?
I can also add another namespaces and keys from other texts and it will be the correct text.
What did I wrong that it does not work when I set my own namespace or key?
In the localization dashboard, the keys correct and I see my own ones.
Thanks for your help!