Localization - gathering text produces no output and fails

Properly, the header says all. Here is the screenshot. Exporting, compiling and importing dialogues are collapsed because they do not influence this process.

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Bump. The topic is actual.

Double bump.

Is this topic interesting to nobody, or I am doing something wrong?

Triple bump.

There are a few things to consider here:

  • Gather text only works for Text types (in blueprint), so anything else – Strings or Names will not be gathered. It should look like this

. I think it is worth checking in case you don’t have any and that was the cause of the error.

  • Although it looks like the gather text window does not show any output, you can actually see the log if you click in Gather text (the one with the red cross next to it). Try uploading this so we can see where the error is coming from.

I am sure that I have some Text variables, I had checked. Here is the log but there is nothing in it.

That’s odd. Just a few questions:

  • What version are you using?
  • Have you tried this on an empty project and have the same issue?
  • I see you have a conflict status warning. Could you share here what it says?

I have set an empty project the same way as you and I am not getting any error (4.26 from github) so I am not really sure where the problem is coming from. Also, about the log, make sure you have the Gather Text in the window prompt clicked

. If not, the log will be empty even if you save it.

  • Here is the screenshot of the loading screen, probably 4.26.1 from sources.


  • I have tried, same result.

  • Here is the second screenshot.


“make sure you have the Gather Text in the window prompt clicked” - I click here (third screenshot).


Hey there!

“make sure you have the Gather Text in the window prompt clicked” - I click here (third screenshot).

With this I mean that to see the log you need to press on the Gather Text bar inside the prompt that is shown after starting that process (the yellow bar in the loc2.png I uploaded). This should show you the complete output of the process so we can figure out where the error is coming from.

Also, this is kind of a long shot but, could it be that it is not being able to generate the required files because the project has a long path? I’ve had issues with that kind of thing before, so it is worth checking


Hmmm, that’s weird. Maybe you can delete the localization folder and try again. Also, in the exclude path wildcards, try removing the localization folder (I don’t think this is the culprit, but worth a check). I am out of ideas :frowning:

With this I mean that to see the log you need to press on the Gather Text bar inside the prompt that is shown after starting that process (the yellow bar in the loc2.png I uploaded).

I have clicked many times, with left and right mouse buttons - no effect.

could it be that it is not being able to generate the required files because the project has a long path?

I think that “D:\Unreal Projects” (path to the project) and “E:\UnrealEngineSources” (to the engine, E: is an external hard drive) are enough short and do not contain Unicode characters.

Does it worth to change the most important texts in the project manually (with “Set text” blueprint or something similar, or maybe, it is possible to replace the entire String Table with another (have such tables for each language and such that will be replaced with one of others and actually used in the texts))? Or there is another ways?

This would depend on many factors such as the number of languages you want to support. I would only recommend this as an alternatively meanwhile you figure where the issue is coming from.

Since you have tried on a new project and the issue seems to be happening, it would be a good idea to get the repro steps. Also, could you share the project so we can have a look? Maybe we can figure out if there is anything wrong there

I just went into the same problem: When I click ‘Gather Text’, no text is being found.

I thought it was a good idea to put my StringTable into Content/Localization, added ‘Content/Localization/*’ to ‘Include Path Wildcards’ in Localization Dashboard, and deleted all ‘Exclude Path Wildscards’. A look into Config/Localization/*MyGame*_Gather.ini revealed, that ‘ExcludePathFilters=Content/Localization/*’ is always added automatically.

Moving the StringTables to another folder like Content/StringTables and adding ‘Content/StringTables/*’ fixxed it for me.

(Note: Edit button failed)