(in fact i didnt finish my localization :D) but i did some translations with the localization dashboard, and i am testing
this with “standalone launch” and work fine for EN-en and FR-fr cultures parameters.
but now, how can i allow player to change language ingame? i want a french flag (not a white flag!!!), an english flag, so if they click on it the language change :]
i am sure i can do a console command to restart the game with -culture parameters, but it wont save the culture for the next restart of the game rigth? :o
i managed to fix the warning about “this project does not have localization data (translations) for this culture” by adding this line in the DefaultGame.ini
i can now find in “Show Localized” english and français !!
i thought that would fix the localization missing in packaged game but no i still have no translation working in my packaged game
there is no folder “localization” in “Saved\Cooked…\Content” path
is there a manual line to write somewhere that i forgot ?
FInternationalization::Get().SetCulture() as well as console command CULTURE=en used to work in 4.8, but not in 4.9 It doesn’t work in PIE, and I need to test in PIE because of the dedicated server. Is there a way to switch languages in PIE in 4.9?