Localization dashboard: "Gather text" found 0 words

Hi, this is my first experience with localization dashboard. “Gather text” doesn’t find any words, it looks like this:
Here are the settings:

I expect it to find text in my widgets, which is marked to localize like this:
How do I make it work?

I’d suggest you watch this video about localization, it’s very complete and with good practices:

Localizing Action RPG Game | Inside Unreal

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They showed “Loading Policy” drop-down set to “Game”. I have several options in this drop-down, but whatever I pick, it is always set to “Never”:
I’m not sure if it is the true reason of my problem, though. Your video doesn’t give any explanation of what is Loading Policy…

You can see my Loalization Dashboard, make sure your Target is set:

About Loading Policy:

enum Type
	/** The localization data will never be loaded automatically. */
	/** The localization data will always be loaded automatically. */
	/** The localization data will only be loaded when running the editor. Use if the target localizes the editor. */
	/** The localization data will only be loaded when running the game. Use if the target localizes your game. */
	/** The localization data will only be loaded if the editor is displaying localized property names. */
	/** The localization data will only be loaded if the editor is displaying localized tool tips. */
	/** NOTE: If you add a new value, make sure to update the ToString() method below!. */
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Thanks, now it found some words! I had to uncheck “Enable Source Control”. Still don’t know why I can’t pick a loading policy, and what problems may be caused by this, and by the disabled source control. I’ll see

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