Localization Dashboard creating duplicate "default game target"

As the title says. Every time I close and re-open the project. The Localization Dashboard re-generates the “Default Game Target”. It only does that IF I edited (or better yet) touched it. Since if I change it, but then change it back to exactly how it was when I re-open it still makes a new one. Even if an identical one already exists. Any ideas what might be causing this, or if it’s some sort of bug. Note: I made a new fresh project and it doesn’t do it there, so I made a copy of my current project and set all the project settings and editor preferences to be exactly the same, and still does the same thing. So any help/ideas as to what might be causing this is greatly appreciated.

I am working with 4.25 and I am also having this issue. Did you ever find a fix for this?

Well it did stop doing it, but I never figured out why, a few days later it kind of just stopped doing it.

Hello, in the file Engine\Config\BaseEditor.ini engine stores information about localization targets, because the engine itself is localized the same way as the game. And it has predefined target for. When you modify this default target in thee editor, it should be overwritten in the local ProjectName\Config\DefaultEditor.ini.

That means that after modifying the target in the editor we have two of them with the same name. The solution is to add line with minus sign inside our local DefaultEditor.ini:

-GameTargetsSettings=(Name="Game",Guid=..... etc (just copy this line from BaseEditor.ini)

and next line is our new modified target with plus sign which will be added automatically

+GameTargetsSettings=(Name="Game",Guid=..... etc

Correct behavior for the editor is to add this minus line automatically, and it does this in 4.25.3, as I can see.

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Just tested this and it works, marked the BaseEditor.ini as minus since it was plus and the DefaultEditor.ini was plus already as well. Thank you for this solution! I have had this trouble for a while haha.

I opened up a second project that was giving me the same problems and can attest to the fact that it did in fact fix it, so gonna give you that upvote so hopefully other people with the same problem can see it.