Local multiplayer: input not working

I have a problem handling input in local multiplayer mode.
The first player is controlled by keyboard and mouse. The second player is controlled with a gamepad.
The controls are handled in the PlayerController. Axis snap events are not called on the second player, but action events are called.

Setting up the binding action and axis is done like this:

 void ARWPlayerController::SetupInputComponent()
        if (!IsValid(InputComponent)) return;
        InputComponent->BindAction("AnyKey", IE_Pressed, this, &ARWPlayerController::KeyPressed);
        InputComponent->BindAxis(AXIS_MOVE_FORWARD, this, &ARWPlayerController::MoveForward);
        InputComponent->BindAxis(AXIS_MOVE_RIGHT, this, &ARWPlayerController::MoveRight);
        InputComponent->BindAxis(AXIS_LOOK_UP, this, &ARWPlayerController::LookUp);
        InputComponent->BindAxis(AXIS_LOOK_RIGHT, this, &ARWPlayerController::LookRight);

ARWPlayerController :: MoveForward is not called on the second player (controlled by the gamepad).
What could be the problem?