Local Multiplayer: First Player Breaks When Second Spawns

Hey, I’ve been trying to set up local multiplayer for a top down game. I’ve watched a half dozen different tutorials and read many more posts here but I can’t find anybody who’s having the same issues. I’ll try to keep it as brief as possible but ask away if you need to me clarify anything.

Versions tested: 5.2, 5.4

Issue: When I hit play both characters spawn in, but the first loses controls and the camera changes when the second spawns. This leaves P1 with a camera facing some other part of the map and no functionality. P2 is fully functional.

I’m exclusively using blueprints. Here’s the spawning blueprint (this is in a custom Game Mode and uses Enhanced Input):

The first player is presumably being auto-spawned by AGameModeBase, which is fine, but something about creating the second character is breaking the first. I have tried spawning the second character separately with a delay and the first is completely playable until the moment the second is spawned.

At first I thought this was simply the same issue many people have been having with “Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1”, but it seems my first character is fully breaking, not just becoming uncontrollable, and it’s my understanding that that issue should be fixed in 5.4 (?).

Any leads would be great.

Sorted this out. The issue was a simple one. My character was auto-possessing Player0 whenever a new one was spawning.

To fix this I just had to set ‘Auto Possess Player’ to ‘Disabled’ in the character’s details panel under the Pawn section.

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