Local Multiplayer Camera?

Hello, This my question, so go easy on me. Ok so I am creating a fighting game and I would like to make a Def Jam style camera, where all players are contained inside the view and the one camera simply zooms out or in to contain all of the players. I thought it would be simple, its not. I really just want a unified camera so I don’t have to do split screen for local Co-Op cause that’s lame.

Now now, before its suggested I have followed most of obvious the tuts that came up on the subject, but maybe are outdated because I have definitely followed along completely to no avail. I’m no super pro with blueprints, but I feel like this supposed to easier than this lol
Any help would VERY appreciated as this is actually holding up production! Thanks in advance.

One question to consider: do you want to position the camera or zoom the camera (or perhaps do a blend of both)? Those are two different operations.

Step one is calculating the bounding volume that contains all of the players. This is pretty easy in C++, but looks like you’re interested in blueprints. The basic algorithm would be:

  • Start with a MinBounds and MaxBounds vectors
  • For each of your players:
    • Call GetActorBounds() on the player
    • If Origin - Extents is less than MinBounds, overwrite MinBounds (so: set MinBounds to Min of Origin - Extents and MinBounds).
    • Same for Origin + Extents being greater than MaxBounds (using the Max function).

Once that’s done, you’ll have two vectors that define the corners of a bounding box surrounding all of your players.

Next, we’ll want to position the camera so that it’s aiming at the center point of that box. We can calculate this point with MinBounds + (MaxBounds - MinBounds) / 2.0.

Presumably, with a side-scroller, you have fixed horizontal, vertical, and depth axes. The camera is going to be positioned “back” along the depth axis. We need to calculate this distance.

This comes back to: are you wanting to position, zoom, or both to get the camera to see everyone?

Let’s assume your zoom (Field of View) is going to be constant. We now have a triangle defined on the horizontal plane:

 \    | a
   \ θ|


  • o (opposite) = half of the horizontal bounds; if this is, say, the X axis, it would be (MaxBounds.X - MinBounds.X) / 2.0.
  • θ = half the camera’s Field of View
  • a (adjacent) = how far back the camera needs to be.

Remembering our trig: tan(θ) = o / a. Solving for a, we get: a = o / tan(θ).

Now, if you’re using the default camera FoV of 90°, this becomes easy because tan(45°) is 1. In this case, a = o! Done!

But lets say your max - min bounds on the horizontal axis is 300, and your camera angle is, oh, 75°. That gives us a = 150 / tan(37.5°), or ~195.49.

Hopefully that’s enough to get you started. Some other things to consider are:

  • you may want to pad the bounds by a little bit, so your players aren’t at the very edge of the camera.
  • you may want to set a minimum camera distance, so when the players are close together the camera doesn’t zoom in uncomfortably close.
  • you’ll probably want to use this math to calculate the camera position each frame, and then VInterpTo between the previous location and the new location to keep the camera smooth.
  • If you want to keep the camera at a fixed distance and just change the zoom (fov), you simply rearrange the above equation to solve for the angle (so, θ = atan(o/a)).
  • If you have to worry about players moving up high or down low, you’ll also need to take into account the vertical axis. You’ll solve the same triangle, but o = half the vertical bounds, and θ = half the vertical FoV. The vertical FoV can be calculated by taking the camera FoV and dividing it by the camera Aspect Ratio. You’ll solve both triangles and position the camera based on the larger of the two distances.

So I did something similar to that already… I think. My only problem is the setup might be fine, but for some reason it wont turn on.
Am I doing to much?

What your seeing here is It being able to follow 2-4 players. I just want it to be able to zoom and slightly pan.
I’m willing to start over again, but I don’t know where to start…

It won’t turn on, meaning just the arm length won’t turn on, or the camera panning isn’t working either?

If that’s what you’re running right now, the Set Arm Length P4 function is choosing the max value out of an array of zeros. It’s not doing any calculation to determine the arm length. You could break each of those locations into X,Y,Z, grab the horizontal axis, and plug them into that array.

If the panning isn’t working… well that all looks ok at first glance. You could use the debugger or a Print String to ensure the different bits of your graph are actually getting called. It’s possible your ViewTarget is being reset to something else by some external code.

For whatever it’s worth, you can combine all of your Set to Camera Pos functions into one by doing a ‘for each’ on your PlayersReference array, adding each player location up, then dividing the total by the length of the array just like you’re doing. That’d bring you down to a single Set to Camera Pos function regardless of the number of players.

It’s a little late, but you should definitely check out this video. The guy uses some neat nodes such as “Get Actor array average location” which is nice because that node alone could replace some of your functions.

You could also watch part 1, but I think starting on this video would be fine for you.