Local Disk (Z:) appeared after building for android

In ‘This PC’ there is a drive Z that has been mounted (I assume by the packaging process) and it is a mounted folder of my project directory’s “Intermediate\Android\APK”


I also spotted a Y drive at some point but that isn’t there anymore.

I cannot find a way of removing it. It doesn’t show up in disk manager, ‘diskpart’ or ‘subst’

Why is this there and how can I remove it?

Thanks for the quick reply although I said that it doesn’t show up in subst!


I just fixed it! The problem was the fact that I was running as administrator. The drive must have been mapped on my user only and not for the whole system. So I just had to not use admin to make it work.

Hi, this is created with Subst and it’s used to work around windows maximum path length problems with the Android SDK. It should be removed after the packaging is complete, but I just checked my machine and I also have a Y drive still subst’d. We’ll look into that.

It is safe to use

subst z: /d

to remove it


Apologies, we recently changed the method we use to create the path and I’m looking at 4.17.


In any case I believe it should be removing the mapping; I’ve assigned another engineer who knows more about it to comment on that.

The replacement ant.bat removes the drive it used subst on after ant completes. If the batch file is interrupted it will not run the subst [drive letter] /d which can leave the drive mapped, but it should show up if you do a subst like Jack shows above.

Maybe it is a permissions issue; are you running as administrator? Also, which version of Windows? You could try putting the command in a batch file and right clicking on it to run as administrator and see if that works.

hey i am also getting same problem what you exactly did to fix it .
please can you help me?

i am also getting same problem can you tell me how to fix it . please help.
i tried as above screenshots but i don’t know in which directory to go . whether in my project or ue4.20 directory . i am using unreal engine 4.20.

Hi DEVARSH, the directory you’re in when you enter the SUBST commands is not important. Just open a Windows Command Prompt and enter SUBST and it should show something like

Z:: => E:\Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Android\APK

If it shows that, you can remove the drive letter by using the command line