I am having some issues with the following function. I originally found this function on a post from @Frisco, and decided to try and debug the same problem, but I have come up empty.
THE FUNCTION: I am trying to load a .wav file into a USoundWave file at runtime. The user should click a button, select a file from the file dialog, and the audio should be loaded in to the application. The user should be able to play and stop the audio at will.
- A function loads in a raw audio file (wav) in the form of a raw TArray<uint8> byte data.
- This data is passed to the function from another function I have that loads the data from an absolute file path using TinyFileDialogs (GitHub - native-toolkit/tinyfiledialogs).
- ***From there, the data is parsed with this function, and returns the WAV file loaded into a new USoundWave. ***
- AFTER this function, the USoundWave reference is pushed to another component that handles playing the audio.
- The audio is played from an audio player component when the user inputs the proper input
- The file is loading, the data is being passed in, and the audio will even play at runtime⌠in the PIE.
- When the audio does get loaded in, the first time the audio is attempted to be played, the whole application hangs for a few seconds (assuming this is while the audio is being decompressed)
- When I package the build, the audio doesnât play. The settings for the SoundWave inside the function are being set (after debugging) but the audio is either not being set to the local variable of the AudioPlayer or there are issues with the actual loading the of the .wav file.
Take note that the audio is played on a separate component. Here you can see the audio is saved to a USoundWave reference in the settings manager, and the audio manager component pulls from the settings manager to play the audio.
Code from the âOpen File Dialogâ function
FString UFileDialogLibrary::openFileDialog()
//creates the char const for saving the file
char const* lTheOpenFileName;
//the filepath to be returned at end of function
FString filePath;
//the types of file filters that can be passed in
char const* lFilterPatterns[1] = { "*.trf", };
//open the open file dialog
lTheOpenFileName = tinyfd_openFileDialog(
"Open File",
//sets filePath to the returned filePath in order to change data with the FString
filePath = (FString)lTheOpenFileName;
//removes the backslash and replaces it with the OS independent forward slash
for (int x = 0; x < (int)filePath.Len(); x++)
if (filePath[x] == '\\')
filePath[x] = '/';
//returns the SAFE filePath with corrected slashes
return filePath;
Code from the âReturn Raw Binary Dataâ function
TArray<uint8> UFileDialogLibrary::returnRawBinaryData(FString filePath)
TArray<uint8> dataArray; //creates a placeholder bytes array
FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(dataArray, *filePath); //loads serialized data into byte array
FMemoryReader memoryReader = FMemoryReader(dataArray, true); //creates a memory reader object that reads from the dataArray
return dataArray;
Code from the âGet Sound Wave from Raw Dataâ function
USoundWave* UImportAudioToSoundWave::GetSoundWaveFromRawData(TArray<uint8> Bytes)
USoundWave* sw = NewObject<USoundWave>(USoundWave::StaticClass()); //creates a placeholder SoundWave on the stack
if (!sw)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("NULLPTR")));
return nullptr; //checks to be sure it was created, if not return NullPtr
TArray <uint8> rawFile; //creates rawFile TArray on the stack
rawFile = Bytes; //pulls passed in paramters TArray to the TArray on the stack
FWaveModInfo WaveInfo; //creates new WaveInfo for the SoundWave, will be passed to it later
if (WaveInfo.ReadWaveInfo(rawFile.GetData(), rawFile.Num()))
sw->InvalidateCompressedData(); //changes the GUID and flushes all the compressed data
FMemory::Memcpy(sw->RawData.Realloc(rawFile.Num()), rawFile.GetData(), rawFile.Num());
int32 DurationDiv = *WaveInfo.pChannels * *WaveInfo.pBitsPerSample * *WaveInfo.pSamplesPerSec; //calucates the duration divider const
if (DurationDiv) //IF dureation div is not null
sw->Duration = *WaveInfo.pWaveDataSize * 8.0f / DurationDiv; //it sets the USOUNDWAVE.Duration to thid calculation result
sw->Duration = 0.0f; //otherwise, it sets the duration to 0.0f
sw->SetSampleRate(*WaveInfo.pSamplesPerSec); //sets the sample rate of the USoundWave
sw->NumChannels = *WaveInfo.pChannels; //sets the number of channels of the USoundWave
sw->RawPCMDataSize = WaveInfo.SampleDataSize; //sets the rawPCMDataSize of the USoundWave
sw->SoundGroup = ESoundGroup::SOUNDGROUP_Default; //sets the sound group of the USoundWave
return nullptr;
return sw; //returns the stack allocated sound wave, and following end of function, releases it from memory??????