Loading Umaps into LevelEditor

Im trying to add a widget that will load specific levels into the level editor when working on a World Composition Object.

The WorldBrowserModule Api exposes a function

virtual TSharedPtr<class FLevelCollectionModel> SharedWorldModel(UWorld* InWorld);

Which seems to be what I need. However FLevelCollectionModel, is not exported.

So nobody can use this APi.

Are you planing to expose this? Or provide an api that can be used?

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LevelCollectionModel.h ~26 Needs Export Decorations.

class WORLDBROWSER_API FLevelCollectionModel

LevelModel.h ~ 30 …


Then you need in your build.cs to define the MACRO “WORLDBROWSER_API” :

PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[]

Can we get these decorators put into the latest?