I’ve been working on a save and load system for our game, and started with saving the player’s transform. This worked perfectly, until I added saving the level. Now, the level is saved and the player can load it from the main menu or the pause menu, but then just starts at the player start, regardless of where they saved.
I put the saving and loading in the game mode blueprint, and put a print node at the end to see if it completed, which it did. I’ve also tried placing the order in which it loads everything, but still nothing. At this point I honestly don’t know what is causing this and I can’t find a tutorial that combines the level save and the location, so I’m hoping someone here can help.
Can you show the code for saving and loading?
Yes, sorry, here it is. It’s as much of the code i could fit in one screenshot:
The top is loading, the bottom saving.
Open level by name will trash all subsequent code. Because you’re opening another level 
You need to set the player position AFTER opening the level, in that level.
So you can do it in the level BP or wherever, but after opening a level, check the save game for any player transforms save under that level name, and then move the player.
Ahh, I figured it still finished since it printed the string I put all the way at the end, but yes putting it in the level BP works. Though, how do I only check for that level? I now just have it check for saved transforms no matter the level…
One way is to have a map data type. You make the map out of a string and a vector ( level name and location ). Then you can just look them up 

ahaa, just I watched an in-depth tutorial on the map thing, implemented it, and it works perfectly now! Thanks so much for the help 
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