There’s probably a couple of dozen ways to go about it. Not enough detail in the description to tailor the ideal solution but here’s something generic:
You could hook it up to the Game Instance's
Begin Play. It should load next level after 10s and fade to black for 1s.
How can I load a new level via time? I want the user to start on level one, then after x amount of time has passed, a fade to black then level 2 starts and so on.
Like this:
You need to do a bit more to fade to black, but you get the idea…
thank you for a clear answer! Would I need to have the same set up per level blueprint to continue to level 3, level 4 etc, or can I do that all in one blueprint?
You need it in each level BP, unless you want to go into level streaming
I’ll stick with the per level. I’m trying to keep it simple, easier for me to learn.