Loading map so slow,how to optimization

When I play in Standalone Game,after the startup,
there was a black screen stayed for 30 seconds before I see the level.

There’s two questions:

  1. How to Shorten the black screen time? Is there some actions that will cause the problem?
  2. How to figure out what happened in those black screen time (Is there some tools can help)?

Stream level has no impact on those black screen time.
And please don’t talk such ways like playing a video or placing a logo on the screen in those black screen time.

Thank you!

Sounds like your level might be bulky and you are loading the entire level at start.

1: Size map (Right click on your map in Content Browser) of your level might help you to get a direction towards optimizing the size of your map and thereby decreasing loading times. (Triangle count and texture res were the chief contributors in my case.)

2: I believe that there is NO magic solution to eliminate the halting/hitches during loads. Its unavoidable as the game/device’s priority would be to load all of your content into the memory involving a proportional amount of memory read/writes. (faster device == faster loads). No clue if there is a tool to profile the loading content though.

I was going to suggest about first loading a basic persistent level and then streaming all your content with sub-levels behind a loading screen. But you already mentioned that you have no interest in that.

As a bonus, if you are relatively new to all this and would like to learn more about loading levels, this tutorial video by the UE team might help. Link: Get a Load of This: How to make a Loading Screen | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Oh, forgot to mention.

The black screen you are viewing at the start of your standalone game is likely the default splash screen that the engine packages along with your game. You can configure it through the project settings.

Thanks for hellwitu 's answer。

I Analyzed Loading Time from log file:

3 second show splash screen.

after show black screen .(loading asset Regisry ,Relevant with Map size ,3 second )

after goon black screen.( blueprint compiler 5 second )

after goon black screen.(importText material 4second)

after goon black screen.(into GameMode BP 7second)

after show map. Game Start

There is no more detailed analysis of these tools?

It’s only in 4.15 but Nativizing Blueprints might help shave a few seconds off. Unfortunately load times are apart of video games. I think the Titanfall 2 Multiplayer tries to hide some of the load time by starting the player in an almost windowless Spaceship.

Where can I find that Loading time log or how to activate it?

I have the same problem but instead of taking me 30 secs, takes about 15. I would like to check the log and see where are those seconds going and how to fix it. Im planning to add a Loading Screen so while its playing, the MainMenuScene is loading on the background.