so i have a basic save and load system up and running. i have to 2 levels one for the main menu with a ui/buttons. the second one is for the game. when i try to load the game from the ui it does not work. i assume it has something to do when switching to another level?
the first pic is from the game level (character bp). and the second pic is from the main menu widget aka the first level
hey, yeah alright gotcha. and one more thing i have the save and load function in the game instance? shouldnt it load bc i have it there or?
ahh yeah bc it opens the level and cuts the rest of the code. but lets say i have a main menu with different saves. and if i press save 2 instead of the save 1 for example on the ui, it opens the level and loads save 2. how will i be able to do that?
You know you have to open level 2, because they pressed the button.
Once you call ‘open level’, everything else gets thrown away, because ‘open level’ clears everything except the game instance. ( So it wont run the load player command ).
One way to get around the problem, is on every level - begin play, load the player data.
The data’s safe because it’s in there, but that node ‘load player data’ you have in your picture won’t run, because the open level cuts everything off.
what, like i meant loading 2 saves on 1 level when like chose between saves
You mean loading lvl2 save on lvl1? I don’t think it would make sense…
yeah, but i fixed it by creating a custom event,the event gets called whenever i press the button