Loading Level Makes Player Input Weird

I have build 2 maps now for my game, one contains a 3D menu with panning cameras, and the main level itself. The game features a amnesia like physics system, where the player can grab and pick up objects if they click the left mouse button; everything works perfectly fine in the game level itself, but once I use Open Level with my Main Menu and it switches to that gameplay level, the whole control scheme is completely bugged; I can only move the mouse (camera) around when I click the left mouse button and stay inside the game window. If I dont do that, I am not able to move the camera.
I do have mouse/cursor movement behavior differences in the main menu level, but shouldnt those “stay” inside the menu level, especially since I put my “BP_FirstPersonCharacter” inside the World Settings of the gameplay level and in the Menu level the “Default Pawn”?