Hello guys,
I’m quite new at using blueprint and I struggle on an issue for many hours now…
I have a Hero class, child of Character class, that has many variables.
In a first level I ask the player to initiate the Hero stats (like intell, strengh etc…) and put all the choices in my hero_instance variables.
Still in this level I save the hero instance in a file, (tested and works perfectly) and open a second level (the world the hero will evolve).
The problem is
when I load the savegame file and try to access to the variables of the saved hero instance, it returns null, but if I try to get another standalone variabl, like an integer, in my saved file it works perflectly…
When I load the save game file in the first level, and try to access to the saved hero instance variables, it works well also.
I had the same problem using a personalized game instance, that s why i wanted to used a save file…
I can’t understand how to brings all my hero data in another level (also : i need to do the same for lots of IA characters that I set in the first level and need to bring in the other level)
Does someone have any clue on how I can manage it ?
Thank you very much for your help