Loading assets in runtime with Asset Registry, what names to use?

I had success finding and loading assets in runtime with Asset Registry module, for Materials a used the “Material” class name as input, for static meshes: “StaticMesh”
However… when I tried to load material instances “MaterialInstance” didnt work, “Texture” for textures wont work too

What are the classes names that should be used for those cases? THANKS!


When you right click asset and click “Copy Reference” it will copy path to asset to clibboard and it will contain a class name, here example from elemental demo:


Assets are are normal UObjects that you can save, they have normal class llike everything else, open up “Class Viewer” (Window->Devlopment Tools->Class Viewer) and turn off “Actors Only” filter and then search for whatever asset you searching for, in here you can view wntire tree of classes and there relation.

Btw if you would enable “Search Sub Classes” the “Texture” would work because “Texture2D” asset class is based on base class “Texture”