Loaded Up To All Actors Invisible in Map

I have a weird quark in a practice session I work in, I loaded in after a week or two and none of my actors are showing up (though they show up in the Outliner and highlight when clicked on). Also, any new actors I drag into the map are invisible as well. This is also consistent in Play mode, nothing shows up. HOWEVER, when in unlit mode (or most other view modes) everything shows up fine.

I don’t have any world partitions, the correct GameMode Override is selected, I’ve checked to see if my actors somehow were switched to ‘hidden in game’ and everything seems fine.

I’ve only been working in UE for about a year so I’m fairly new, hopefully I mis-clicked something by accident and it’s an easy fix. It’s just a blueprint scripting reference session basically, which I still have full access to the blueprints, but I’d hate for something like this to happen to any other session.

Hi @utookmypancake

I may be wrong but i had a very similar issue recently that the exponential height fog was set to maximum opacity so i dropped it to 0 and i could see, also the next option down i think some distance setting i forget. I set that to 0 also.

Not sure if this is the same issue you have but worth a try as looks just how mine did

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Hey there! I appreciate the help, but i messed with those settings as well, and even tried rebuilding all my lighting components completely, didn’t work unfortunately.

I appreciate you taking the time, though!

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Hey there @utookmypancake! Welcome to the community! This is definitely an odd one! So let’s do a bit more testing to see where the fault could be.

Could you drop the scalability to medium? This disables a bunch of things that would help narrow down exactly what’s going on. I had the same inclination that it was the fog since unlit would ignore it.

Alternatively just removing the fog altogether to verify that isn’t the problem.

Is this afflicting any other levels?

Is it possible you hid all actors attached to your current level layer?


I appreciate that, and thank you for the reply @SupportiveEntity!

Actually though, i’ve tried all of the scalability settings, recompiling shaders, ive deleted my fog altogether and ive actually even tried installing UE 5.2 (was previously in 5.1) and tried loading up the level in there, since its a new install. Unfortunately, no progress.

And now ive noticed though that nothing is able to be moved, though i CAN rotate and scale actors. Its so odd.

It has affected another one of my other sessions now actually, this time one i had around 10hrs or so grey-boxing in. Really getting pretty unfortunate at this point.

The funny thing is, the only two things i specifically remember messing with before the new file getting messed up, is the engine scalability, like you said, and the fog. Though everything appeared fine until i closed the project and re-opened the next morning.

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Things I’ve tried:
Deleting and recreating all of my world lighting components (including fog), changing my engine scalability, un-checking and checking my ‘visible’ and ‘visible in game’ options, opening the project in a brand new install of version 5.2 (from 5.1), recompiling shaders with Ctrl+Shift+. as well as the recompileShaders console command, restarting PC of course, downloading latest nvidia drivers…

Things Ive noticed:

The same issue has recently happened to another project of mine seemingly after messing with both the fog and the engine scalability (though im not sure that’s what caused it or not), I can scale and rotate these invisible objects, but not move them, I can see objects in the ‘Top’ perspective, though it looks glitchy and seems to have a shader issue or something, not only that, but i can move some of the objects in the Top view as well, the problem didn’t occur until I closed UE and re-opened the next morning, any new actors I add to the level retains the same issue, and when playing the map, everything looks as it does in the editor window.

Hope this helps lead to a solution

Annoying huh.

Steps i took:


Fog Density = 0
Fog Max Opacity = 0

Click the reset arrow next to Fog CutoffDistance
mine went to like 100000 then set it to 0

I was able then to play around and get back what i needed to

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Unfortunately i’ve tried deleting my fog altogether. But i tried exactly what you mentioned, just get a weird kinda blinding light effect.

Still though, even if the fog allowed me to see the objects i still wouldn’t be able to move them. Which leads me to believe that its possibly more than a fog or shader issue.

(If you didnt catch the update edit, i can scale and rotate objects, but not move them unless I’m viewing from a top down perspective for some reason. Super weird)

It kind of looks like there’s a light overflow occurring, but it’s not likely that the look is telling us the full story. Now let’s try something that will probably work, but it wouldn’t fix the original scene.

In your outliner, grab everything besides the large scale lighting and copy it, then paste it into a fresh level. Is the issue still present?

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Same thing occurs, sadly. I’d like to think that its a simple lighting or shader issue, though it wouldn’t explain why im not able to move any objects unless im in the 'Top" perspective, and even then i can only move SOME objects, which is even more weird.

Is there a UE helpline or something that you know of that i could get in contact with, or is this pretty much the method?

Just in case you didnt happen to see it, here’s an update i added to the post, if it helps at all (sorry kinda new to forums and stuff like this):

Things I’ve tried:
Deleting and recreating all of my world lighting components (including fog), changing my engine scalability, un-checking and checking my ‘visible’ and ‘visible in game’ options, opening the project in a brand new install of version 5.2 (from 5.1), recompiling shaders with Ctrl+Shift+. as well as the recompileShaders console command, restarting PC of course, downloading latest nvidia drivers…

Things Ive noticed:

The same issue has recently happened to another project of mine seemingly after messing with both the fog and the engine scalability (though im not sure that’s what caused it or not), I can scale and rotate these invisible objects, but not move them, I can see objects in the ‘Top’ perspective, though it looks glitchy and seems to have a shader issue or something, not only that, but i can move some of the objects in the Top view as well, the problem didn’t occur until I closed UE and re-opened the next morning, any new actors I add to the level retains the same issue, and when playing the map, everything looks as it does in the editor window.

So for the most part, that’s what we’re here for and I can take a more hands on look at the project myself if it comes to it. There’s no “Hotline” but we do have other resources! For developers in the Unreal Developer Network you have a bit more access to developers of the engine themselves and a community of professional developers, though that’s for custom licensees. Another place to look would be the Unreal Slacker’s discord (unaffiliated with Epic Games). It’s a 3rd party discord group that has routinely answered deeper questions than I could, since it’s not just one specialized developer but a huge group!

Your problem is definitely one of a kind! You ran through most of the conventional wisdom about these issues on your own for the most part. So let’s look towards more environmental issues.

What are your specs?

Are you currently on DX12? If so, could you drop to DX11 and see if there’s any changes? Vulkan as well?

Are you material preview windows also doing this? (this can help determine if it’s only level/project deep and some other factors).

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Sounds good! Its a real small project as ive only really greyboxed and tried a few things out in it, so it’s pretty light. If there is a way i could send it over that would be really great, i kinda feel like im running out of solutions and id really like to get back to working on stuff but im kinda worried about starting another project in fear of it happening a 3rd time (although i have 11 other projects on this PC that are fine so far. But 2 of the most recent 3 or 4 have had this issue as of now). I will definitely keep that in mind about the Discord, though! Regardless, i really appreciate the help.

My specs are i9-12900kf, 32GB RAM @6400mhz DDR5, GTX 3060ti, and UE is on a Samsung 980 PRO M.2

I’m not honestly sure where to find settings on DX11/12, but toggling Vulkan off and on didn’t seem to do anything.

Everything is just fine when opening up and viewing textures, and when i open up the blueprints of the invisible actors they show up just fine in the blueprint viewport, so it really only seems like a main viewport window issue from what i can tell

I can definitely take a look! Do you have a repository up?

Sorry about the delay, I wasn’t really familiar with what that was and i tried to find an updated YT tutorial on how to make one but i guess there was a recent update with SourceTree and some settings changed or something, so i have been having a little trouble. Is there maybe another method to get it to/ or share it with you?

If i could send the folder i can replicate any changes you might find to resolve the issue if possible

Otherwise i can try to figure out how to get one setup, too

For security reasons, if possible a repo on Github is usually the best due to the completely visible nature, but uploading the compressed project files on Google Drive would suffice. Everything is opened in a sandbox regardless. Feel free to send me a private message.

Totally understand, i’ll figure it out and DM ya!

For anyone else following this, we couldn’t resolve the true issue besides drastic measures and migrating the content of this project to a fresh project’s content folder. This unfortunately breaks lots of references, so this “fix” may not be applicable to heavy projects further down production.

Update: @utookmypancake figured it out, it seems that they had adjusted the Near Clip Plane to 0 in the Project settings, which ended up breaking the viewport entirely.

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