Load/Unload World Partition Tiles, manually?

Is there a way to load/unload landscape tiles from the world partition manually?

For example, can I create a trigger to load a few landscape tiles by calling it and unloading it on a blueprint?



Hello, did you find the answer you’re looking for? I tried to place a location volume inside my world and tried to trigger it via blueprint. I called unload or load function under the world partition inside blueprint but my method doesn’t seem to be working. Thanks.

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It was a few months ago, I did try a few more things, but I can’t recall what exactly.

In my case, I have a digital twin of my hometown island in real size - 57km long x 21km wide… I know… That’s huge AF… :sweat_smile:
And I can tell you that neither Unreal or my PC like me very much for trying to achieve this size of a digital twin as an open world.

The main issue is that this island is not flat, basically anywhere… And besides the 57km x 21km, the island would effectively have more than that, since we also wanted to add below sea level landscape data to it… so i would range from -120m to 1700m of elevation…

And this is why the tile by tile thing would work perfectly for me in such a giant landscape…

Although I can tell you, that I did not have any more time to spare to figure out how do it tile by tile…

Haven’t messed around with it since, but What I ended up doing - does not solve tile by tile, but does it on a major landscape instead - which worked good enough for my usecase at the time.

  • I have several groups of tiles as one unique landscape and aligned them up… In total I had around 8 landscapes faking as tiles with tiles of their own…

  • I moved each landscape to a streaming level of its own and used the Load / Unload stream level nodes in blueprints.

I know it’s not exactly what we want, and its definitely not recommended to do it, as I encountered a huge batallion of issues, but that’s how far I went with it.

I will re-visit this issue eventually, and will for sure post here If I ever find the solution for it.

But althoug this worked for me as a demo showcase for a few features, I do not recommend it at all since it has so much performance issues, as well as in everything else.

Sorry for the long anwser, just wanted to share everything I did, in order to see If it helps someone anyways.

Thanks for reaching out, I will have a look around and If I get the knowledge of how and if this is possible like we want to, I’ll reach out for you.

Many thanks,
See ya!

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Wow! Thanks a lot for the detailed answer :sweat_smile: I am sure it will help some people. Looks like you’ve put some time into this since your map is huge and it needs world partition optimizing. In my case I look for a simpler ways to load or unload tiles and meshes during some cutscenes for performance boost. Wished Epic would look into these kind of situations instead of adding new technologies. Doing some simple things are a lot harder than it needs to be. I’d love to hear from you if you find new workarounds. I wish you and your project good luck :smiley:

Thank you and nice to meet you!

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