Load Specific Save Slot For Level and Player?

Hi all!

I am having some trouble, I am trying to load a specific level save slot and also a separate player save slot that are meant to be loaded together at the same time. I have 2 separate save game objects to handle each individual side I.E player stats and inventory vs doors being open or already collected items. I want to be able to pick a save slot from my main menu, and with that save slot, the level save slot will be chosen with it so they will both load together as a pair.

Currently I am handling all the player data management in the Game Instance BP and the level/world management in the Gamemode BP.

I can’t really tell what any of your images say since it’s quite low definition, but here’s how you could load two save games based on one input:

This is how you could save:

And this is how you could load:

LevelSavePrefix and PlayerSavePrefix are constants- they can be basically anything. For example: “LevelSaveFile-” and “PlayerSaveFile-”. But you could make them gibberish if you want.

ChosenSaveSlot is the slot to load to or save from. I assume you already have some method of keeping track of how many saves you have in order to allow the player to pick from them. This is just the index of the save chosen by the player in the case of the load function. In the case of the saving function, it’s the lowest number that isn’t already being used. If there aren’t any other saves, it will be 0, if there is one other save, it will be 1, etc.

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