Load player location always return 0.0.0

Im trying to save/load my game, and I used a struct to save all my variables.

My players location is saved by getting player pawn, get actor transform, then set a var stored in gamemode.

When I load, I get the transform and use it to teleport my character, but it goes to the center of the world.

Any suggestions why this happens? Thanks in advance.

Hi man , i think that gamemode get reset at every change of level or anything…
You have save your variables on a file on hardisk using the saveslot or maybe to use persistent gameinstance.

Try this test, in your game mode change the default value of the variable that should store the location.
I am sure that will Always be the exact place where you get teleported,
Because gamemode get reset .

Many thanks, will try this. Does the character get reset as well?