Hello! I’m trying to simply set up a load level blueprint on a door and all I want it to do is load the level when the player character is in the general vicinity of the door. I’m not 100% used to the node-based scripting as of yet and I may have (or may be making) a very simple mistake. Thanks for anyone helping!
you need to better define your script, for instance if its your player that you want to be triggering overlaps then you need your script to reflect that. to do this i would use the get player character node, the == node, and a branch. you could also do this with a cast but using the == method is a little more flexible. ok so to set this up connect the other actor pin to one pin on the == node, then connect the other pin to the get player character node. the output of the == node should then be connected to the branch, then connect the branch true to the rest of your script.
It would appear that it isn’t detecting when I press the button for some reason. I have the action key set up in the Input for the project settings but it won’t pick up me using it?
go into your door bp and click the class defaults button at the top, then in the details panel look for the input section and the auto receive input option, set auto receive to player 0. also make sure that you are not using that button input for anything else that could be overriding this bp. for instance you could have another bp that uses the same key and if consume input is checked then the one with priority would use the input before any other bp
This worked! Thank you so much! I had no idea that was an option. It was something simple… Thanks again for helping me through this.