Load game from SaveGame slot ID?

So I am trying to work with save/load mechanics here.
I have a “New Game” function that will create a save slot using the inputted player name as the save slot name (no duplicates)
Only issue is, I dont really know of a way to store the slot name in a way that I can reference to in any other blueprint when I want to Load Game from Slot (only way to load it is to use constant instead of a variable)

The Create Save Slot, Save to Slot, Load from Slot, and Cast to SaveGameBP functions are all working great, just have no way for a slot to be picked based on the name specified by the user @ new game creation :confused:

I did see something about Save Game Instances in the tutorial, but I have problems using Save Game Instance as an object variable when casting from other BPs

Thoughts? Answers?


I am failing to load my level and then load the save data to go with it. I can’t find a precise tutorial to cover this and I have gone through 10 videos as such.

Same here I can’t save in game save folder but can’t load it up after. Why can’t load from slot see the file after it’s been saved. Print string failed.