Load and sort files in order of the name.

hello anyone please help, using the “FindFiles” node in Unreal engine, how can i Ioad the files in order? my files has (name)1.png to (name)12.png, but the problem is after the 10 image, it will become like this order in the screenshot image below.


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That is in order. It see the filenames alphabetically, and everything with a 1 comes before everything with a 2 etc…

If you want them to come out sorted, they need to be called 01, 02, …

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thanks much! it works…i totally forgot this applied like exporting png sequence of animation!

ok, that is sorted out but…i am using this “export render target” node so i able to name it right?
i am using integer to add numbers on every exported images, now how can i make the number to be 001, 002, 003 instead of staring from 1,2,3?

please help me…

found the solution, had to use this simple “to text (integer)”


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