Hi everyone
i am trying to figure out something , in simple terms i have a Map with a house the door to inside of the house will be on a different map, the reason for this is that the camera system changes and i don’t want any lighting set up, effectively i just want a blank Black level to load up.
I have tried a few basic way of doing it, loading a level then loading the main level back, but with multiple houses and doors this got confusing and messy.
i tried setting up a sup level and teleporting to the location and back, this worked well as i could uses a single blueprint to go from location to location, but i was having trouble with the lighting and I tried having a black box around the level and hiding it under the map but every time i teleported to the location the player would just fall through the map. It has something to do with the Box around it, when I deleted the black box worked O.K. I would teleport to and back using a Blueprint, the Lighting worked O.k, but again needs some work (i could make it work)
i tried loading a Sub level as a level hid the level under the Map then loaded it, but if I load a sub level as a level any objects placed there as a Persistent level only work when you are steaming to when loaded as a level
i am doing it in UE5 But i was going to reeducated it in UE4 most of the logic is the same, UE5 just crashes more lol… A Lot more
Hi thanks, Yah that’s what i did with the Sub Level, when i teleported to the Sublevel (steamed level) with the Black Box to Around it, i just fell though the level with out the Black box it work o.k, the level steamed fine
i also tried useing a open level node in the blueprints to open the Sub level ( steamed Level) this opens the sub level like a normal level but any objects placed there from the Main level don’t register, Like i said when i go inside the level the camera system changes to a side view and i want every thing around it to be black apart from the inside of the house ( i am using a house as a example but it could a a cave or anything, it more about teleporting from one level to anther so i can have the camera setup and lighting set to change suit what i want, a totally black level achieves this
To clarify, I tried was using level steaming, but I had a simple teleport BP. From the Main Level to the steamed level, the steamed level was hid under main Level so I could block out any lighting with a Black box static Mesh ( geometry) but when I have the Black Box there the player just falls though the Map, Like the map doesn’t load, when I delete the Box the Map loaded fine, but I was looking at the bottom of my main Map lol.
I then tried using anther BP to load the Map as a level
The level steaming worked the best for the BP, as I could place the teleport points where I wanted on each level using the one BP, Much more cleaner way, but the Lighting was the issue
Ok. i Have Figure out the Black Box, i forgot to delete the Collision on the box
I think because there was no Opening the player could not teleport inside the Box deleting the Collison Fixes that i might change it in the BP if it becomes a problem later, now I just have to try and deleted the Lighting effects of the main level such as Skylight and so on
any Help? or is there a better way of doing this then just teleporting to a steam level and hiding the Level
I would simply load the interior as the player got close. But loading and teleporting the player to a hidden interior does work. Just an old fashioned trick.
so with the Lighting i found that just deleting the Exponential Hight Fog made the level Inside the Back Box super black and didn’t really affect the shadows on the Man Level i did think it was the Sky light But it wasn’t (i don’t know much about lighting), if fine because the main Main level view for the player is Third personal Top down View (kind of) so i don’t have long sweeping views, i would say if I need it i will just add it a blueprint and turn if off or on when the player in the the Level.
having the level under the map its more of a choice, i wanted the camera to change to a more side view and the level to have black around it so you just focus on the level( thing a bit of concept art) , the level streaming seems to work well with the tests level I have done.
i found moving the level ( interior of the house) means i don’t have to worry about hiding other meshes and so on when the camera switches position,
ClockworkOcean @ thanks for the help I didn’t really need to watch the video, i don’t think i explains myself in the right in my post, when i said teleporting i mean having the player from one location on a map to anther, I would teleport to anther steamed level weather that level it next to it or 100km away it doesn’t matter. I am using the steam levels like normal loading level, but instead of using trying to talk to levels with level Blueprint all the time i can just use one blueprint and actors, such as teleporting to one level to anther, with level steaming I have a Door BP, it has 4 teleporting point To location, From location, Back to main level location, and
Main level Location. i can simply move the location to each point as needed, if I have different doors i move the Suite, the majority of the steamed level unloads when the player is not there apart from a few teleport locations and a few other ting that only seem to work when they are placed on the main level not the steamed level. what affect that has i don’t know yet