LiveLink Face not receiving blendshapes on Android build

Hey everyone, I’ve been doing some testing with live link and metahumans to take control over the face movements. So far everything went great, I can use the app live link face on iphone to control my metahuman. The current situation is that I have a camera pointed at my metahuman and I can watch him while controlling him.
Also, when I build the project for windows everything still works.
Unfortunately when building the project for android live link stops working. I’ve tried to monitor the port (11111) on the device with an app like udp monitoring and the device is receiving the required packets. Unfortunately the build does not seem to process them/receive them (I did not monitor if the app listen on the port correctly, I don’t know how to do that)
Any tips that can help solve the issue/understand it more througly, it’s welcomed

Android permissions can be really tricky, did you grant your app all the required permissions?

You mean the extra permissions settings in the project settings? I’ve added andorid.permission.INTERNET. Do I need to add any other permission to the project?

Also I want to add that I’ve just tried running something with Object Deliverer (ObjectDeliverer in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace) through udp and it works flawlessly on android.