I am trying to set up a vive tracker 3 to control focus in unreal 5.1 but the methodology has appeared to change once again. The Camera Role dropdown displays “No controllers were found for this role”. I have created a VirtualFIZ component in livelink and added to the camera component but to no avail. Anyone got a vive tracker working as focus in 5.1?
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Hello. Same issue here. Any news? Thanks.
I’m also having the same issue
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It seems now that for the calibration in 5.1 we have to add a “Lens” component to each CineCameraActor we want to calibrate.
In the lower left corner of the lens file window, it used to say “Selected Livelink Subject” and now says, “Lens Component”.
Without adding this “Lens” component in the details panel of the cine camera, it would not allow you to do any calibration.
So basically add 3 components: 2 livelink controllers and 1 Lens
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Thank you. Still seems to be the case in 5.2
For anyone having this issue, try enabling the “LiveLink Camera” Plugin. That fixed this same issue for me.