Livelink blend animation with lipsync animation (Metahuman SDK)

Hi, I am very new to unreal engine.
I’m trying to use livelink with an iPhone to animate a metahuman Face, combined with the lip animation response from a Chatbot (Im using Metahuman SDK). Livelink works fine until the lip animation is triggered.

So basically this is the blueprint that triggers the animation (level blueprint)

When the animation is triggered the head resets to a neutral position, the lips move with the audio sound, but livelink is lost… I cannot get it back (unless i restart the Game Play)

My goal is to combine livelink head movement with the lip animation. Any ideas?

Thank you !

of course the livelink will disappear.
First, i got no idea about you are using the Actor BP or Animiation BP.
Mostly livelink use in Animation BP, and will be instance by Actor BP.
And your screenshot seems that you begin to play animation, if you playanimation, it will countinue like this like a rope, after trigger the next rope point, the last will nolonger trigger. Unless you trigger it again.
So, maybe you can trigger Livelink again after play animation, or just use statue machine and use montage animation to solve.

Thank you for your response !
So, there is this BP Inside de Metahuman Actor that activates the LiveLink

But I don’t know how to “re-trigger” the livelink from the scene Blueprint. I tried introducing “Arkit Face Setup” and connect it to “Set Update Animator in Editor” in the level BP , and connect ir after “play 2d sound” but it doesn’t work…

Not sure where is the “animation blueprint” you mention.

as Default setting, The Animation BP always set as orange color, and other Normal BP always set as Blue color, and maybe you can just copy these except on Action, and link the copy one after the play 2d sound and have a try maybe.
For montage way, here is my done thing in Third Person Demo, but i do not know it will work in Livelink or not,

from left to right,
print spring; montage play; print spring
and below there.
skeleton(which your mesh is, just drag the face from window to here; get animation inxxxx)

and you can forget play spring, for play spring that i just want to know what steps has done; they are not necessary.