Live Product/Material Visualization in a Room

I want to enhance the overall experince of material visualization like tiles, laminates, wooden flooring etc, like how a particular design of a tile look inside a scene. I have a product in mind where we will build a realistic model in unreal and the material part will be connected to our website database. we will present this model to the clients. Clients will be able to select the material and will see how that partcular product looks in that scene. Is there any model available on the internet which has already implemented it? or Can any one tell me what will be the process to implement such model?

Changing the material in the scene is relative simple. You could use my user interface UI3 to do that. It supports pixel streaming and touch controls so you could run it in a web browser. It has to run on a server like the ones Furioos supplies. This is a paid service.

The harder part is to connect your database to the Unreal Project. I don’t think there is a way to get Unreal to collect a texture (jpg) from an external source and use that texture in a scene (material). You would need to put all textures into the project and then find a way to make Unreal know which texture you would want to have on an asset the user has chosen.

Maybe there is some technology that is similar to the live connection datasmith offers for projects created in Revit or ArchiCAD . But I don’t know how exactly that could work.

where can I get more information about UI3

UI3 on the marketplace.

There are links to more info in the description.