Live link stops working during a session if swtich to a different Mocap actor, or move the chracter blueprint. Data is streamed from MVN animate pro to Unreal 5

I have posted these questions before, but I will post these questions here again, this time with temporal solutions, and also better explanation of the situation.

Please check the video for detail.

I am encountering weird problems while live streaming motion capture data from Mvn animate pro to Unreal 5.2.1. The problems can be summarized as follow:

  1. My custom character, which has a skeleton inside a actor BP, parented under a MVN puppet, will stop receiving data whenever I move the blueprint, even with livelink skeletal animation as it’s component.

  2. Whenever I switch to a different motion capture actor profile in MVN animate pro, the data stream will also stop, and will not be fixed even if I recompiled corresponding blueprints. It can only be fixed by changing to a different live link port.

Thank you.